Young skin is an object of desire of many people. There are number of techniques which could help you to achieve young looking skin, which are based on getting rid of toxins through the skin. This is not surprising, because our skin is our largest organ. Health benefits of dry or wet steam rooms depends on frequency of your visits. It’s recommended to visit a steam room or a sauna once a week, if possible twice a week. But not once in six months or a year- then the persistent health effects will not work.
We have been seeing advertisement of various cosmetic treatments that help to avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles. Those women who are trying to look younger, spend huge amounts of money on these treatment, but oblivious to the fact that there are more available and proven methods that really work. Wrinkles are a consequence of dysfunction of sebaceous glands and hence, due to loss of skin elasticity.
Hot baths- are a great way to clean your skin and body. Bath is fun, fun!! It’s able to replace many cosmetological treatments- not only helps prevent wrinkles, but also preserves the elasticity of the skin and cleanses the body of toxins.
Established that the bathing procedure significantly reduces the level of lactic acid in the body- the main factor. Bath soothes the body, helps it cope with illness and stress.
The most important factor how bath affects the body is physiologically- temperature and humidity.
Saturation of air with water vapor promotes the exchange of air in the lungs, improves the mucous membrane of respiratory tract due to condensation of water vapor in it, affects thermoregulation of the body through perspiration.
Bath increases oxygen consumption and increases carbon dioxide emissions. During your stay in the steam bath, your respiration rate increases to 20 breaths per minute.
The ancient physicians believed that high temperature worked as a “cleansing force”. In the sauna your heart begins to work faster and harder- the pulse increases to 120 beats per minute. Blood begins to rush to the skin. Coming out of sauna, we often say: “I feel ten years younger!” And it’s true.